Jevington and Filching Community Association
Scroll down for: Details - Meeting Dates - Constitution
NEXT MEETING: to be confirmed
The Jevington and Filching Residents Association was formed in 1990 following the demise of the Jevington Parish Council and its incorporation into Willingdon and Jevington Parish Council. Its aim was to provide a local focus and voice for the residents of these villages. It is now known as the Community Association to reflect its wider scope.
The aims of the Jevington and Filching Community Association are:
• To promote a vibrant and active community;
• To provide mutual support and cooperation among our members;
• To address issues affecting the community and seek solutions;
• To act as a forum for discussion.
Click for the Jevington and Filching Community Association Constitution
In addition to fulfilling its aims, it has been involved in establishing memorials around the village, supporting the Village Hall, and most recently instrumental in the placing of a defibrillator in the village and the planting and maintenance of an orchard at the Cricket Ground.
Membership of the Association is by annual subscription, which meets the administration and operating costs, as well as supporting some community activities. Membership is open to all with an interest in these villages, but voting rights are limited to members who live, own property or land in the Parish of Jevington & Filching.
Meetings are held at least four times a year and usually take place in Jevington Village Hall and commence at 7.00 pm. All are welcome.
The Association is run by a Committee of elected officers and governed by its Constitution, which lays out in full details of membership, subscription, officers and its general operations, including meetings. A copy of the Constitution can be found below.
Current Committee
Chairman Michael Chambers
Treasurer Simon Kingdom
Secretary Katie O’Hara
Operation Crackdown – report anti-social driving
If you become aware of anti-social driving through the villages, notably speeding, excessive noise or oversized vehicles, keep a record of the date, time, location and where possible registration number and vehicle details. Incidents of anti-social driving can then be reported to Operation Crackdown at or by calling 01243 642222.
Contact us
By email at
The Community Association maintains an email communication group via Mailchimp, thus ensuring individual privacy. Anyone can join by following this link to a Mailchimp signup form Jevington Filching Community Association Mailchimp Signup
The list will be used for the purposes of communicating about the business of the Community Association, notably details of meetings, agendas and minutes, and occasionally events and activities in the community. It will also encompass communication for members of the Village Hall Trust.
When signing up to this service you always keep control of your email address, can change it at any time and unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive communications. Your email address and submitted details will only be accessible to elected Officers of the Community Association and the Village Hall Trust.
In addition, the Association maintains a WhatsApp group, the purpose of which is to share information useful to the community. If you would like to join the group, please provide your name, mobile number and interest in the community, using the contact email address.
If you spot errors or omissions on these pages please contact the Community Association at